In case you're wondering, Waspinator was a fictional (sorry kids!) character in the quite wonderful little-glowing-box series Beast Wars: Transformers. He also featured in the (arguably slightly less wonderful) follow-up series Beast Machines: Transformers. He is also set to guest in the new incarnation, Transformers Animated.
There are several interconnected conclusions that we can draw from Waspinator’s recurring animated life:
1. the approval rating of an incompetent but amusing Predacon is higher than practically any leader of the free world; previous, present, or currently in-waiting.
2. there are some aspects of the Transformers that even Michael Bay can't ruin/ put a random hot girl next to for no seemly reason/ give faux-ghetto dialogue to/ transform into grubby dollar bills to pay the strippers he's undoubtedly going to put in the sequel whether you like it or not/ make it seem like it's going to be your childhood all over again, and then it is your childhood again, but with Michael Bay.
3. Transformers Animated is still called Transformers Animated despite the fact that every preceding Transformers series has also been animated; but it will still almost certainly outdistance Michael-Bay-TM-product in the exact same amount of quality, contentment and satisfaction as would dating Evangeline Lilly outdistance dating your mom.
4. Waspinator is cool.
None of which really explains the point of this here web-log. I guess that's just going to have to be a story for another day.