Oh hello there. Once again, you’ve caught me mid-blog; isn’t it funny how that keeps happening? Well, frankly, no: it isn’t funny at all. In fact, it’s actually quite harrowing. Had you come along a little bit later, you see, I might have had a finished product for you. It might have been about something really interesting or amusing. It might have been, as the good Chaucer says, of best sentence and moost solaas. It might have been, as More wrote, both salutaris and festivus. But, I’m quite afraid to say, it isn’t. You just got here way too early.
Notes: Hey, wouldn’t it have been funny if Harry in When Harry Met Sally had been Harry Potter? No, it wouldn’t have been funny at all, in almost exactly the same ways that Billy Crystal wasn’t funny as Harry in When Harry Met Sally. This is precisely my point, of course: imagine practically anybody or anything as Harry in When Harry Met Sally and you have yourself a better film. Kermit the Frog opposite Meg Ryan? Funny. The concept of free enterprise opposite Meg Ryan? Funny. But Harry Potter opposite Meg Ryan does nothing for me at all. That’s how bad the Harry Potter franchise is – exactly as bad as Billy Crystal. And just so we’re clear, that’s pretty bad.