An(other) Introduction To Waspinator-For-President

Waspinator, as if you needed to be told, is a Predacon from the tv series Beast Wars, a long defunct descendant of the Transformers franchise. Relatively speaking, he has almost nothing to do with this blog.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

I've Been Gone So Long We Should Maybe Write A Song About It

Hey there.

If you're a little like me, then you too have probably
been spending your deleterious days thinking ‘oh!’

‘to where on this good, improbable earth has
the waspinator-for-president blog disappeared?’

And you know, you shouldn't feel at all bad for
thinking that sort of thing. All of us have thought
at some point or another. It's just part and parcel
of being human. And as these things go, you,
you, my reader, you are human, more or less.

This need you’ve been feeling: it is, you might say,
simply part of who we are. And as things go, you,
horribly pathetic, annoying, execrable you,
you are who you are, human too, more or less.

It's really okay to feel the kind of deep, abiding,
the longing horrid need you've been long feeling.
It's okay, really, to feel that kind of need. I mean,
you know what, hey, we've all felt needs now and then.

Seriously, we've all felt needs.
It's all part of being human, isn't it?
We're all the same, after all, aren't we?

I mean, seriously, since the dawn of time,
we've all had that kind of need, now and again.
Everyone feels the way you do, sometimes.

So don't worry. And I mean, I of all people,
and I just can't be any clearer about this –
of all people, I do understand all about what it is
that you've been going through. I do, really.

But look.

I mean, yes, of course, we all have needs.
Yes, sure, we all have some slightly odd,
some unexplainable feelings from time to time.
And sometimes, yes, sometimes thoughts can
kind of sneak up on you without you really planning
to think them. Sometimes, they sneak up on you
so surprisingly, in a blinding flash, that it feels like it's
not even you who definitely thought them (you did).

And yes, I realise that sometimes those horrible
un-thought thoughts can be just a bit disturbing,
even though it's totally not your fault, and never,
never you doing the thinking of them. I know,
yes, sometimes they do involve chimpanzees.

But, you know, just come on. Really, come on.
Look, honestly, I think what I'm trying to say here,
and maybe I'm not being quite clear enough,
but what I'm trying to say here, is that, well,
you know.

Look, yes, I get it. I really do. Of all people I get it.
Believe me, I understand what you're going through.
I probably understand it better than anyone, because,
frankly, that's just the sort of wonderful person I am.

I mean, I can be a pretty understanding human being.
When you're by yourself, your mind can wander.
When you're on your own, of course your mind can
wander a little. It's only natural. And yes, sometimes
it might wander rather a lot. And that's perfectly
natural too. And yes, sometimes it wanders so far
that you find yourself. And you realise, I mean really
really realise, that you quite like those chimps.
You realise, I hope you realise, that you’re terrible.

Also: a reminder to send me the pictures, please.

Notes: This time, Believer, this time.